Little General's Little Generals

Little (adj.): pleasingly small ("a cute little thing")
General (n.): something (as a concept, principle, or statement) that involves or is applicable to the whole

August 6, 2008

Jumpin' on the Bloggin' Wagon

Several years ago my sister in law told us all about Blog and how it was going to be something that stuck around for a long time. At the time, much ribbing took place. Yeah right, a "web log," like that is really going to be something that is interesting. Well, she was right! I don't know how many hundreds of thousands of blogs there are out there, but they don't seem to be going anywhere any time soon.

Over the the last few years, I have been a faithful reader of a few blogs and have always thought I should have one of my own. A place where I can self indulgently write as much or as little as I please. A place where I can share my thoughts or opinions. A place where I can practice my VERY rusty writing skills. Well, let's face it, a place where I can mainly entertain myself and maybe a few others who might check in every now and again.

So, here's to Jumpin' on the Bloggin' Wagon. I'm not sure how often I'll jump, but I imagine it'll be quite often. I will keep updating our family space with pictures and updates about Evan, so this blog will mostly just be for me. :)


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