Crazy Kylie
I am at a retreat with my mom, sisters and Kylie. Today I was looking out the window and told Kylie, hey, there is the swimming pool right there, referring to the bay shown above. She said, how much would you bet me to get in that water. I told her $10 bucks. She said how about $20. I told her that Gary doesn't like me to bet money. :) She said I could think of something more creative. So, since Kylie just found out today that she has been accepted to BYU-Idaho, I told her I would bet her a care package every month for her first college year. I told her she had to go all the way under.
After awhile she came out with her swimming suit on, ready to get in the lake. I really didn't think she would take the bet. So, off to the lake we went. On the way there I decided she didn't need her to put her head under. Didn't want her to get an ear ache after all. She didn't take very long to get in and stayed in the water even shorter. Janie took the video above. As you can see, there is ice on the water. Crazy girl! So, I now need to think of 8 clever care packages! I don't mind though. It'll be fun to send those packages off to the college girl!