Little General's Little Generals

Little (adj.): pleasingly small ("a cute little thing")
General (n.): something (as a concept, principle, or statement) that involves or is applicable to the whole

March 12, 2009

The Elusive Schwan Man

When I was younger we used to get the orange pushup ice creams from the Schwan man. I loved those! Over the years, especially since living in town, I have wanted the Schwan man to stop by so I could get on their ordering route.

Well, last Wednesday I was VERY excited when the Schwan man's helper stopped by announcing that the Schwan man for our neighborhood was reaching out to the newer people in the hood and that he would be coming on Friday. I was so excited! I happily searched through the Schwan catalog and made a little list of things I wanted to get. They sell a little bit of everything. My list consisted of roasted sweet potatoes, broccoli and cheese mix, passion punch sherbet, chicken/rice with green bean medley, sweet and sour chicken dinner and of course some orange pushups.

Last Friday I stayed home all afternoon to make sure I didn't miss the elusive Schwan man, but to no avail...he never showed up! LAME!!! The guy from last week said the normal delivery day was Wednesday, so I again waited yesterday thinking he'd come, but he didn't! Man, is he missing out, because I'm willing to pay for the convenience of skipping the grocery store!

I could go online and place an order, but it's the principle of the thing. They said they were going to be back, and they weren't! I'm going to give him one more chance, because maybe he only come every other week, which means he'd come next week. After that I just don't know. :)